words can change the way we see



These posts are for encouraging hearts and shifting perspectives—often that starts with my own heart needing to be widened and my own perspective needing shifting. I hope these words will help us widen our lines of sight or just look at our lives from another angle. I often need the reminder that there is more to truth than what we can see on the surface with our own two eyes.



The written word is one of the my favorite ways to change the way I see life—without even having to leave the comfort of my own home (other than that quick trip to the library). Here are books that can surprise us into seeing the world differently, books that could change the way we see ourselves, and sometimes just books that will give us a short break when we need it so that we can come back to our lives with fresh eyes.



With a family of five homeschooled military kids, there are some stories that are just too funny not to share and some life changes that will necessarily affect this blog—but also, shifts in perspectives are best understood when applied in our own homes. Hopefully, as we laugh about my family’s shenanigans together, it will act as a touch point for the bigger thoughts we are wading through.


The Encouragement Experience

When the world outside feels a little dark, this is a space to light a faintly flickering candle and push back the shadows through actively looking to encourage others. Share a story here of a way you have been encouraged lately or a way you have purposefully chosen to encourage someone else. Don’t worry: I’ll go first.