The Mouths of Babes

Quote for the Day: "My mommy doesn't do that because she's difficult." -anonymous child in my three year old class.

There are great things about teaching preschool. Hugs like nobody's business, being told that I'm loved, seeing that light bulb moment...but more than anything: getting to laugh at the hilarious things my kids say. Like the other day in chapel when one of the kids proudly announced that he prays for pickles. Hearing our pastor say, "That's right, sometimes we do pray for pickles," about made me pee in my pants.

Working with kids is really just the tip of the iceberg though. My oldest sister delivered her son this week, and oh my goodness, he's a cutie. I've been video skyping with him as much as possible (the beauty of the digital age), and I am counting the days till I get to see him at Thanksgiving. It's kind of crazy to me, knowing how much I already love this little dude, to realize that Baby Friz is going to be even more loved when he gets here. And I admit, I was a little surprised to see a newborn who doesn't resemble E.T. so it gave me hope for Baby Friz's looks. Now if only he could be born with a fro and dimples...

My cute nephew with his gorgeously huge mouth and awesome head of hair:


Pregnancy Class?


Little Bits