
A couple weeks ago, I was informed by a friend of mine that Littles looks like a Kewpie doll. Not knowing what a Kewpie doll is, I didn't know whether to say thank you or sic Oswald on her. So I looked it up. And I have to say, the similarities are creepily present. I mean, less creepy than if I'd been told Littles looked like Chucky, but still kind of creepy. Dolls in general can be kind of creepy. (The number of times I've used the word "creepy" in this post is creepy.) At any rate, I'm posting a picture of a Kewpie doll and a picture of Littles to commemorate this moment forever. Random fact about Kewpie dolls: Anne Frank had one.

Kewpie doll. Yes, they live in nudist colonies. Just kidding. If you need more information on Kewpies, wikipedia has a terribly instructive article.

Littles. Slightly better clothed and refusing to smile for the camera, but I can totally see it!


Gratitude Cast


Springing Forward Enthusiastically