
There are already too many people who mistake a love of reading for a talent for writing.
-Stanley Ellin

I'm starting a book blog. There. I said it.

I'm somewhat terrified of commitment at this time because all my writing projects have fallen by the wayside in the wake of Hurricane Baby. I love the little man, but he's rather exhausting. I suppose this is my attempt to regain some sanity and some space in my life that's not about him. And here I am talking about him already!

Moving on, here's the plan: I am reading still, little bits here and there, in between times, you know, so I thought I'd take my writing time (what there is of it) to write about what I'm reading. That way I'm not trying to focus on a full blown book or even a short story--my attention span just doesn't make it that long--but I'm getting some writing in and hopefully doing some thinking, at the very least. Besides, I think I've always loved reading more than writing, so I'm just going to capitalize on that.

Don't expect intensely intellectual posts; just reflections on the written word. And I promise more interesting posts than this first one. And an occasional guest blogger. Genres will be across the board; I like a smattering of everything. And suggestions will be taken if accompanied by a compelling argument and a hard back copy of the book you want me to read. Or just a cup of coffee. Black. With the tiniest bit of milk and sugar. Whipped cream optional.

And that's that.


