The Luckiest

The Man told me if I went our entire vacation without writing, I would not be any fun to be with, so here I am. And I just want to say that, as I listen to happy music on a Tuesday night in a Navy lodge while the Brown Eyed Boys sleep in the next room and the Man is out running: I am the luckiest.

This may come as a shock for those of you who have been praying for our family this week--both the boys and I evidently have some kind of bacterial infection and our whole trip (so far) has been full of coughing and fevers and snot--but I wouldn't trade it for a different trip and definitely not for a different family.

Because all of the coughing and fevers and snot has led to a whole lot of this:

And those of you who know Tiny, know he doesn't like to sit still for even a second, much less a snuggle.
And now that the boys have seen a doctor and are officially on antibiotics, I anticipate a whole lot more of this:

Also, there will be much more of this:

How can you not feel like the luckiest when you get to spend all day looking at that?

My in-law's yard is one of my favourite things. And the Man's mother has very purposefully reminded me that this is supposed to be a vacation for us, so I've been spending many hours on their porch swing looking out at real trees and real grass and real live flowers and listening to the silence that is Not Wind. It's feeding my soul. The fact that the boys can run around the yard supervised by a winning combination of two uncles, one aunt, a Paw and a Nana is also feeding my soul.

And when I say, with a smile, that I am the luckiest, I realize that it's because we are given good gifts, and I just wanted to share with you a few of mine. It may also be because I had the good fortune to marry the Man, but I don't want you to feel jealous that there's only one of him. That would be mean of me.

Also, there has been Indian food.

And zoo giddiness. Little Man lost his mind over riding a "for real" train and getting to watch the elephants take a bath.

So yeah, there's no way a little bit of mucus is going to get us down.

The End.

For the Moms


Sovereignty and Sweating the Small Stuff