She's so HEAVY

Take a good long look, people. This is the part of the twin pregnancy that looks cute. It's not going to last long.
9.5 weeks, baby. Babies?
Bring on Monday and we're a quarter of the way through this thing.
Give me a few more months and we'll all be singing together: She's a (BRICK!) Hoooouse! And then I will become a permanent fixture on my couch, answering only to "The Blob", until the babies come. At which point it will take several more months before I look this good again. Twins are fun, guys, twins are fun.

But really, this week I successfully transitioned a sleeping Tiny from the car seat to the crib, so I am, as Littles would say, the, which means that I should be screaming from the rooftops: Bring it on, Twinadoes! And I am. But the neighbors are complaining to the cops, and the Man isn't here to protect my appropriately defamed name.

Finally, no. I'm not going to post weekly pictures of the growing monstrosity that is me. I want this pregnancy to sneak up on you and then all of a sudden, around week 20, BAM! I hit you with a new picture and your eyes never recover from the scarring of seeing me with a small, outlying planet shoved up my shirt. Most likely, said planet will be Pluto since it's not currently serving any other purpose. At any rate, wait for it....

Help and Home


Silliness (Part Three?)