Help Wanted (and Not Just of the Psychiatric Nature)

The time has come, the Walrus said,
To pick some twin-net names.
Like Frick and Frack
Or Jill and Jack
Or something in between...

Yes, I killed the rhyme scheme. But if you were sitting on the couch with two fever flushed boys being forced to watch multiple back to back episodes of Clifford until your brain seeps out your ear holes, you would be incapable of good writing too.

So, here's the deal: the Man and I picked names for the twins before he left on deployment. We learned a long time ago that I prefer international/hippie names and he leans towards hyper traditional, so it's better to meet in the middle while we're still capable of in person argument. It's much more fun that way too. But that's still not helpful for blogging purposes where I try to avoid using my kids' real names. I'm old fashioned like that. And creative. Or just paranoid-delusional.

Anyway, it was easy picking the Little Man's nickname. He really is a little version of the Man. Not necessarily in his personality (he opens his mouth and his mother comes out), but in looks, for sure. Then Tiny was my own snide literary reference. God bless us every one! So you would think that coming up with nicknames for the twins would be easy. It has not proved to be the case. Why, I don't know. Maybe because there are so many options!

I refuse to use Thing One and Thing Two, simply because that seemed too obvious to me, and referring to them as the Little Boy Twin and the Little Girl Twin seems a bit ponderous, and really, no one other than me is hearing Shawn Spencer's voice from Psych saying it (Little Boy Cat, anyone? anyone? Bueller?). I did briefly consider Tweedledee and Tweedledum, but that's inevitably shortened to Dee and Dum, and that just seemed mean. I'm mean but not that mean. I hope. Then I considered Lucy and Ricky, Fred and Ginger, Bonnie and Clyde, Salt and Pepper, Flotsam and Jetsam (yes, I thought it was funny), Hansel and Gretel, Mutt and Jeff (haha), Sonny and Cher, and even Kermit and Miss Piggy. I've even thought about getting my hippie kicks in and punnily naming them Sun and Star. And it was at this point that I realized I had absolutely no clue what I wanted or what I was doing.

But here's the fun thing, not only do I still have about three months to make this naming decision, but I can also recruit you to give me your two cents (aside: Littles paid me one penny the other night for baking bread and one more for making dinner--I'm rolling in dough). So, weigh in here: what do YOU think I should nickname the twins?

{Please, keep in mind that at our last ultrasound the Little Girl Twin had not only stolen enough of the Little Boy Twin's food to have a whopping 2 ounces on him, but she also had her rump shoved in his face. So personalities are coming into play early on.}

And while I'm seeking input, tell me what you think about our nursery plans, which you can access over at my friend Rachelle's blog. Should we go white or cream? I thought I'd made up my mind and now I'm second-guessing myself.

Do opine, opinionated readers!

Accompanying Hope


Brown Paper Packages (Tied Up With String)