beauty{full}: the unexpected

Today I got put on bed rest. This was unexpected to me. You know who did not find this unexpected? God. You know what else was not unexpected by Him? The incredible out pouring of love and service from the wonderful community He has placed us in. This has been beautiful. And I am thanking God for the opportunity to see once again how deeply loved our family is.

I'm going to keep this short because I'm tired and the medication they put me on makes me more than a little bit dizzy, but I'm home (which is beautiful) and the contractions are under control and not moving towards labour (which is beautiful) and I have more help right now than I know what to do with (which is beautiful) and I was able to keep in great contact with the Man all through this (and that too was beautiful).

I just wanted you to rejoice with me. Because as much as we celebrated reaching 30 weeks yesterday, I want to celebrate reaching 30 weeks and 1 day with both twins still inside and the ability to be at home with my little men.

Please forgive the many double negatives included in this post and the general poor writing. I blame the tiny little yellow pill they're making me swallow every six hours. And while blaming it, thanking God for the unexpected chance to take said pill and thereby keep the twins in for a few more weeks (six, hopefully).

Thank you for your prayers for our family, and for rejoicing with us in God's sovereignty, modern medicine, the instantaneous communication provided by technology, and the joy of being home.

{If you're looking for the rest of this series, all the links can be found here. Thank you so much for joining with me this month.}

beauty{full}: the secret


beauty{full}: some house keeping and a quick thought