Twinternational Nursery!

It's finally here!

The moment you've all been waiting for!

Take some time to head over to my friend Rachelle's blog to see the big nursery reveal! And after you leave her adoring comments, come back by and tell me what you think.

Big thanks to Rachelle for creating such a beautiful nursery for the twins--and for being so flexible with me when I bailed on her for bed rest. Thanks as well to the wonderful team who stepped up to help whether through painting (and dealing with my amateur painting skills), moving furniture, ironing bedding, or sewing (and resewing when I realized measuring is not in my skill set). I'm thinking now that it won't be so bad practically living in there for the first few months of the twins' lives...

It Takes A Village (To Survive Bed Rest)


Because I Love You Too Much To Let You Be Bored