A Bunch of Beach Blurbs

I think there must be something about PCSing that dictates that the moment all the kids' clothes are organized, sorted, and packed, everyone will immediately hit growth spurts. We've spent most of this trip looking at strips of bare belly and exposed ankle, but no more. Yesterday we ran by the store and picked up some clothes for the kids so they will no longer look homeless, even if technically they are.

I stole this picture from the Man's phone
so you can see Oswald and Trigger bonding in their time of need.
Oh the love brought about from the mutual trauma of PCSing.

I say "technically" because while we are currently in lodging, rumor has it that there is a house with our name on it (a yellow house on top of a hill facing the ocean, no less). It is hard to not be annoyingly excited, but I am doing my best, while making copious notes regarding how I plan to arrange the furniture for the floor plan that we may or may not get.

Trigger wasn't quite sure what he thought of the ocean.

In the meantime, there is the ocean and sanity and fresh air and cool weather and hills to run and did I mention that it is so hard to not be excited?

Tiny was at his sand throwing best yesterday.

The most fun thing about this PCS, though, has been seeing how the boys respond to everything. I forget that they have spent most of their life in a small town in Oklahoma. Every white van MUST be maintenance. The Grand Canyon, according to Tiny, was made up of sand castles. And, this is my favourite, every time they see any amount of water there must be exclamations of surprise and ecstasy. "Look! Water! Water! Look, Mom!" A drainage ditch is just as exciting to them as the Pacific Ocean.

Bruiser was too cool to gaze off into the distance with me.
His face says it all: "Mom, why are you so weird?"

I know I should write more about this transition, but I think mostly I wanted to share our first pictures with you. I realize that there are several stops worth of pictures that also deserve their day in the sun, but that may or may not happen. Our time right now is taken up with maintaining a regular schedule for the kids, getting back into good exercise habits, exploring Monterey, figuring out which restaurants are way outside of our budget, and waiting. As much as an extended stay in lodging isn't anyone's cup of tea, it's nice to have the extent of my housework be making beds and washing dishes. It leaves lots of time for playground exploration.

Littles preferred the "hot sand" farther from the surf.
Okay, just finishing out this blog...

Endless happiness.
The Man: what are you doing? Just taking a bunch of pictures
and hoping one of them turns out?
Me: pretty much
See all the pretty pictures? Yay.

Living here is not going to get old fast.
Also, I got the seagull in the frame in one shot.
Eat that, Mom.

Alright, then, hurray, we're here! And hopefully getting settled soon. More to come later. Maybe.

A Quick Frenzy


Travelling Circus: a PCS in Progress