Day One: In the Between

I grew up in the city where people came for language school. Friends cycled in, their parents learned the language, and then they cycled back out. My sisters left for boarding school, and then college. I left for boarding school, and then college. I married the Man, and the military trotted us from one end of the country to the other. I'm still holding out hope that at some point, they'll ship us back overseas. Regardless, if there's one thing I know and know well, it's transition.

In fact, I'm currently going through yet another life change as we adjust to a new house, try to find new friends, and figure out a new city. So I thought for the next 31 Days, you could come to this space, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, it's your preference), and we could talk some about transition, the fun things and the not so fun.

I'll write about adjusting, making friends, getting involved, and what it's like to drag kids along. I'll share plenty of stories and hopefully a few books to inspire and encourage. And you feel free to chime in with suggestions, deep thoughts, and your own tales of trauma and triumph because remember, I'm going through this right now and even though I should be a pro by now, I still need all the help I can get.

This page will be the jumping off point for the whole series, and I will link each post at the bottom in the order they are written. We'll spend the next month here talking about life in the between, when home is neither here nor there and you're still figuring out where everything is at the new grocery store.

Consider this your introduction. And to kickstart our month, I'm going to send you over to my sister's blog where she wrote so eloquently about experiencing home around the world. It's long but it's funny and there are lots of pictures, so man up and read it! Then come back tomorrow as we start unpacking (haha, that pun had to be made) this subject together.

Day Two: Bookish Roots
Day Three: Like a Good Neighbor
Day Four: Blurbs for Between
Day Five: Questions by Blondes (and Other People)
Day Six: Nostalgia
Day Seven: Finding Friendships
Day Eight: Picking My View
Day Nine: Let the Little Children
Day Ten: Rolling Change
Day Eleven: A Taste of Memory
Day Twelve: Mind Games and Missing
Day Thirteen: The Next Box
Day Fourteen: Leaving Space
Day Fifteen: Come for a Tour?
Day Sixteen: The Nesting Place
Day Seventeen: Leaving or Left
Day Eighteen: Home
Day Nineteen: Some Sunday Silliness
Day Twenty: On Repeat
Day Twenty-One: Bee Stings
Day Twenty-Two: Tired
Day Twenty-Three: Sibling Support
Day Twenty-Four: The Straw and the Camel's Back
Day Twenty-Five: Orang Asing
Day Twenty-Six: Defense Mechanisms
Day Twenty-Seven: Choose Your Own Adventure
Day Twenty-Eight: Bee Stings, Hummingbirds, and Foot-in-Mouth Disease
Day Twenty-Nine: Joy Stabilizes
Day Thirty: The House Plant
Day Thirty-One: Reality

Day Two: Bookish Roots


Feminism, Theology, and Amish Cowboys