Let's Play a Game!

And the game is called: What's! In! The! Library! BAG!!!

Although really, I guess it should be: What's! In! The! Library! BAG!?! But that just seems like I'm confused, and I'm not because obviously I know what's in the library bag.

Moving on.

Here's what we've been reading in our house. Jump on in and share some more suggestions because at some point, our stash will be returned to the library and we will need to restock--and I can do so from the comfort of my recliner now because YAY for libraries with online catalogues and the option to reserve books.

What People Do Storybook by Richard Scarry :: This has turned in a quick favourite with the boys. There has been uproarious laughter as well as a lot of learning going on. I didn't anticipate the conversation about supply and demand, but I gave myself a check mark for homeschooling and moved on.

The Children's Book of Virtues edited by William J. Bennett, illustrated by Michael Hague :: Beautiful illustrations, and the kids and I are enjoying the stories and poems as well. Also great fodder for meaningful conversation.

Feelings by Aliki :: This book couldn't have been more timely (the Terrific but Tantruming Two's are upon us). We followed it up with Dr Seuss's My Many Colored Days and have been really delving into how we talk about and deal with our emotions. And the best part is that neither book is preachy, but they each tackle feelings in interesting and accessible ways.

Urban Babies Wear Black by Michelle Sinclair Colman, illustrated by Nathalie Dion :: Why don't my urban babies drink lattes? Next on the library list is Beach Babies Wear Shades, mostly because I feel like I've fallen down on the job with my urban babies--no opera, no gallery viewings, and not even any taxis.

I'm Dirty by Kate and Jim McMullan :: The boys were anxiously awaiting this book--and I now know more about the backhoe than I ever wanted to know. Next on their list: I Stink. And if you can guess what that's about, you can come read it over and over (and over) again to my children!

Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett :: A fellow TCK and extra-sister suggested this book, and it's no surprise why: it happens to be a perfect fit for our wide-flung family. Stacey Shuett takes you around the world, time zone by time zone, giving you a glimpse into the culture and peoples of each continent. I counted this one for school too. Geography for the win!

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs by Tomie dePaola :: I love Tomie dePaola. This one was on the heavy side.

The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco :: Littles said it best (and yes, this is verbatim), "The Bee Tree is my favourite this week after the Bee Incident." Who is this kid?! Did I teach him the word "incident"? Is our family truly that awesome? Yes, we must be...

Three Bears in a Boat by David Soman :: David Soman also wrote the Ladybug Girl books, and he's a perennial favourite in our home. Three Bears in a Boat was both beautiful and engaging.

Little Critter's Read-It-Yourself Storybook by Mercer Mayer :: Little Critter will make multiple appearances in our home from now on. That should say it all.

Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too by Anna Dewdney :: The boys and I have long been fans of the Llama Llama books (although getting the Little Man to watch The Emperor's New Groove is like pulling teeth), and we enjoyed spending some more time with Nelly Gnu. The boys now have an uncontrollable need to build box houses, but I distracted them with cardboard swords and shields.

A Child's Book of Art selected by Lucy Micklethwait :: I've been flipping through this with the kids and calling it a day for art class. I do homeschooling the lazy way.

We've been reading a lot lately…and you know what? Snuggling with the boys and reading to them is my favourite part of my "job". It really is. So I make sure to do it. A lot. And I'm really ready for the twins to be able to join the dog-pile of children because cuddles and books make everything better. For real.

Also, for the inquiring minds that need to know, we are working on getting a family picture with all six of us included, but technically (technically!) the picture in the photos (that's so meta) is of all six of us, since it was taken the week I found out I was pregnant with the twins, except we didn't quite know it was twins yet.

{I included the links to Amazon in case you want to read more about the books or look for them yourself, not because I'm getting paid something or think you should only ever buy from Amazon. I didn't buy any of these books as should be evident by the word "library" repeated multiple times in this post...}



Out of the Overflow