The Thanksgiving Tree

Since Halloween is over (unfortunately leaving a terribly tempting amount of chocolate in the house), I decided to move our tiny pumpkins indoors and start our Thanksgiving preparations. 

Last year I was planning to do a Thanksgiving tree with the boys. We were going to go look for some branches, and then write what we were thankful for on little cards and attach them to the "tree". Then I got put on bed rest. So that kind of blew that idea.

But this year, lo and behold, I am not desperately trying to keep in unborn twins. So Monday, we loaded the twins in the stroller and went looking for branches.

May I say: it was a lot easier to find them here than it would've been in Oklahoma. There are trees here. How fun! Although I really wish that last year we had just found a giant tumbleweed and let that do the trick.

Naturally, the boys each picked their own massive huge branch to bring home, and neither could be talked into a smaller branch or leaving theirs behind in favor of their brother's. This has ended in a somewhat scraggly monstrosity, but you can't say it doesn't have character!

The kids and I have been having fun writing what we're thankful for on the little cards we printed, courtesy of Jones Design Company (there are several different card options, if you're wanting to make your own). Some of us (LITTLES) have had a little too much fun. The Man tried to add a card of his own the other night, but he was holding Bruiser and the wiggles got him. Pen scribbles everywhere.

At any rate, I have since rearranged the pinecones in the pitcher, which then shifted the branches, which put them directly in the line of Bee's grabby hands (I was holding her at the time), which nearly brought our entire Thanksgiving Tree to ruin, but thankfulness prevailed and lived to tell the tale. 

So far, it's been a fun way to make this month special. Except now I'm perpetually thinking about Thanksgiving food. Turkey and dressing… Pumpkin pie… Sweet potato casserole… Gravy…. Yum...

{If you're interested in making your own Thanksgiving Tree and the cards at Jones Design Company aren't your cup of tea, Ann Voskamp also offers some leaf shaped options with verses about thanksgiving on one side and a space for you to write what you're grateful for on the other.}

Out of the Overflow


Rambling. Because I Can.