Hope and a Helicopter Angel

Hope is a funny thing. It's one part waiting, two parts trust, and a whole lot of really strong coffee. It's the ability to look at life and say, "It may be awful right now, but that doesn't mean it's going to be awful forever." Hope is believing in tomorrow. Somedays, hope is even believing in whatever is left of today.

That's what I love so much about this time of the year. Because in the middle of the ugly that is so much of this world (you know what I'm talking about: you read the news), Advent reminds me that Christ came…and that He's coming again. And I need that.

Sometimes too, I need my little helicopter angel to keep me company.

Usually, I place her in a very prominent place in our home so that she can be a conversation piece for holiday guests, but this year, I'm being selfish. She's holding court on my nightstand because I need her to remind me of hope: hope that Christ has come and will come again, hope that I can get out of bed and start another day with some measure of grace, hope that eventually (if I pray really hard) my hair will be that awesome.

And in case the helicopter angel, with all her magical Christmas spirit, fails me, I've been thinking a lot about this verse lately:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Only the Fun Stuff

