Because I am Mom

Because I am Mom:

Sometimes there are pancakes for dinner--that get eaten at the kitchen counter instead of at the table so that there is an acceptable audience as I carefully sculpt really ugly alphabet pancakes.

Because I am Mom:

On rainy days, instead of holing up at home to do a super cute Pinterest craft (of which I am incapable), we brave the rain and browse a used bookstore...and then have to leave early because Bruiser blew out his diaper.

Because I am Mom:

We will touch ALL THE SNAILS! And take pictures of them. And put them in the garden. And name them Fredrick and Gunda and El Greco. And then do research to discover that maybe snails aren't the best thing to put in your garden. Whoops.

Because I am Mom:

There is popcorn and lemonade with mint leaves from the herb garden. There are daffodils and laundry baskets of folded laundry that you will put away yourself (so help me). There are open windows and stacks of books on every flat surface of our home.

Because I am Mom:

There is bedtime. And it comes early. But only after all the toys have been picked up.

Because I am Mom:

I am not a lot of other things. There is only one me. There are only 24 hours in a day. We pick and choose. And sometimes, in the words of Jen Hatmaker in For the Love, "We need to quit trying to be awesome and instead be wise."

So, I'll let the kids be awesome (because they're good at that--and also really good at biting each other and then apologizing afterward), and I'll get back to work on just being Mom.


I Haiku While Running


Villains, Presidents, and Big, Bad Wolfs (Oh, My!)