Books For You and Books For Me (But Mostly Just Me)

I thought it was time for a good old fashioned dip into my bookshelf. Or rather, my library bag, since most of what I've been reading lately has been courtesy of our library. May I just say: having a library two blocks from the house is really nice. Having a library where I can request books online from the comfort of my own home (that is a mere two blocks away) is dangerous. Our book bag may or may not be realigning my spine.

At any rate, here's what I've been reading (and drinking, evidently):

Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. This is not a library find. I've had this book on my To Buy for years, and when I stumbled upon it at our local used bookstore (complete with a beautiful, hand written dedication from a mother to her daughter), I snatched it up immediately. I have been rereading this one slowly. Tasting each word and thinking about what each one means in my own small and specific life. If you haven't read this book, please do. It's lovely and thought provoking and soul quieting.

Better than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Life by Gretchen Rubin. What you need to know: I drove the Man nuts talking about this book, and he (allegedly) accused me of reading self-help books. This is not a self-help book, but it is fascinating! If you've ever wanted to understand the science behind your habits or look for a different way to tweak your own, this would be a great pick for you. It was timely for me as I generally have to restart most, if not all, of my good habits with every move (and work to not continue poor habits picked up during times of transition). And no, Rubin doesn't tell you what habits you should be implementing or what ways will definitely work for you. She leaves you with the space to come to those conclusions yourself.

The Four Habit Tendencies as designated by Gretchen Rubin.
Read the book and find out what you are.
And then drive everyone else crazy by trying to figure out what they are.

Dangerous by Shannon Hale. Sometimes a girl needs a little easy reading Sci Fi in her life, and Shannon Hale makes my heart happy (although Goose Girl still remains my all time favorite of hers). Aliens, super heroes, cereal sweep stake winners, and best of all, a heroine with what many would call a severe disability. It's an afternoon read and a great accompaniment for spring break (if your evil homeschooling mother allows you one--poor Littles).

Princess Academy: Palace of Stone and The Forgotten Sisters by Shannon Hale. Yes, I was on a Shannon Hale kick. Sue me. But don't really, because the Man and I share a bank account and we have four voracious eaters to feed. These are the sequels to the original Princess Academy and are mostly light hearted fluff but fluff with a side of French Revolution, women's rights, and ethics. I enjoyed them and would highly recommend for your pre-teen daughter. They have some great discussion points. I love Hale's strong female leads who are backed up by some excellent males (who use their brains and aren't just along for the ride).

Hokey Pokey by Jerry Spinelli. A quirky and engaging look at the transition out of childhood, but the best part of any Spinelli book is the rich, tastable language. He writes prose like beat poetry.

For the Love by Jen Hatmaker. A quick read with a hefty dose of humor, a passion for people, and a hunger for grace. My favorite line: "We need to quit trying to be awesome and instead be wise." Come for a look through someone else's eyes and then decide how that's going to affect your own world view.

Next up is Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson. I just started it last night, and then the Man reminded me that I was planning to get up and go slog through a run, so I should go to bed, and he was right, so I did. But I'm really looking forward to reading it. It's been on my To Read list for quite some time, so cheers for giving myself a future check mark.

So tell me, what are you reading? And what should I be reading?

{Apologies for not having pictures of all the books--it's been that week where everyone has been sick. Plus, all my camera skills have been utilized documenting the growth of Little's garden.}

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