Hope Is

Last week, Littles and I were reading Dickinson and ran up against her well known, "Hope is a thing with feathers..." and it got me thinking about hope again. This is nothing new. Overthinking the concept of hope is a continual source of mental gymnastics for me.

Today, hope is finally planting flowers only to find out that there might be a humongous storm coming through that might by accompanied by hail and might involve tornadoes.

Hope is writing a To Do list and holding it in open hands because nap times are sometimes hard to count on.

Hope is trying house plants again (even if Blythe might sit on them).

Hope is painting a wall of your rental only to realize, two weeks later, that you had made art out of a difficult memory and that somehow brought healing.

Hope is delicate but incredibly resilient. Hope is risky. Hope is often frustratingly accompanied by fear and thereby necessitates courage. Hope is hard. Somehow we choose to keep hoping.

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. Psalm 31:24

Villains, Presidents, and Big, Bad Wolfs (Oh, My!)


One is Nice