The Last of the First

This week I wrote over on our church's blog after we wrapped up the birthday celebration of our Bonus No-Longer-A-Baby. You're welcome to go read about the paradox of rest and hardship over there, but over here I'm going to share a few pictures from Twinkle's birthday...because I can.

Before you ask, no, we did not have a party for Twinkle's first birthday. Everybody knows first birthday parties are more for the parents than the kid, and since neither the Man nor I are much for parties: NO PARTY! Yay! Someone somewhere is deciding at this minute that I am a total Grinch. I have no problem with that.

Anyway, here is a picture of Twinkle, enjoying her last couple days of being a baby. Although, question: once they start walking (nine months for this over achiever), are they still technically babies or have they upgraded to toddlers already?

I included this completely unnecessary picture of Bruiser, just because I love his cute face. Also: when did he get so big? 

Here is Twinkle, post birthday pancakes, waiting patiently for her presents (of which she has no concept, whatsoever). The Man took advantage of the fact that she was not in a rush for presents and washed all the dishes while our food digested. I took advantage of the fact that she was not in a rush for presents--and the Man was knocking out dishes--and had fun taking pictures of my many offspring.

Littles has reached the phase where he lovingly tolerates me most of the time. This is probably because, as he told me last week, he's "almost ten". Stop rounding up, kid.

 Tiny, blurring the camera slightly with his adorability.

Bee is turning into my right hand woman around the house these days, whenever I can manage to pry her away from Bruiser.

The boys still like to rub it in that they outnumber us. Although Bruiser told me last week that God has another baby for us, so maybe God will miraculously tie us up later in the year. *Cue hysterical laughter*

I just put this one in here because Bee is pretty and I like looking at her. Don't judge. It's my blog: I can do what I want!

Here's the Man helping Twinkle figure out her presents. I did not include the dozen photos of Twinkle looking confused as we tried to get her to rip the paper or the ones of her poking her new baby doll in the open-shut eyes repeatedly or the ones where she played happily with the tags on her new clothes for five minutes. One year olds are so entertaining.

This kid was not in our original plans, but we are so grateful that God upended them. She is a joy in our home, even on the fussy days and interrupted nights. Plus, she finally realized my dream of having a child with a dimple.

The star blanket Twinkle is lying on was made by her birthday buddy. It's featured repeatedly in the photos I've taken this year and is one of my favorite things.

These kids are inseparable. I asked them if they were nervous about making new friends after our next move, and they looked at my like I was crazy. Why would they need friends? They have each other. This is totally unrelated to Twinkle's birthday. Sorry about that. I'm off theme. It's been a long morning...but it was taken on Twinkle's birthday so that should totally count.

A couple more shots from the completely raucous party we had for our one year old. She seems really broken up about it.

My kind of kid: no birthday is complete without books.

Birthday cupcakes! Technically this is the one I personalized for Bruiser, who plans to grow up to be a dragon, but I was so proud of how it turned out that I totally wanted to show it off and have you guys all tell me how amazing it looked. But I'm burying it deep down in my post that probably no one will read (other than my family) so that I still look humble.

Twinkle pulled the chocolate off her cupcake, daintily dipped it in her icing and then bit it off. She wasn't as excited about the actual cupcake, but kid knocked out those chocolate stars and most of the icing.

Last picture: happy post-cupcake Twinkle before the sugar rush kicked in. Then we got her outdoors so she could cheerfully run up and down by the turtle ponds and get the crazy out of her system. 

So there it is: our last first year of baby done, and enjoyed to the fullest, which I guess is the major benefit of realizing just how quickly it goes. It has gone quickly this year, and I don't think that was just because she started walking so early, but maybe it was. Either way, I sure am grateful for this kid, even if she's a daddy's girl. Because really: who can blame her for that? The Man is pretty awesome.

Dinosaur Bones and Gratitude


Books for the Sick Bed