Blurbity Blurb

It's Friday night, and while there is a whole dryer full of clothes I could fold and a whole bowl full of cookie dough I could eat, I am choosing to stay in the healthy middle ground and watch The Great British Baking Show on Netflix while working on a blurb blog. That's about as much brain space as I have left after a week of homeschooling my hoydens. Although, now that I think of it, the chocolate oatmeal cookie dough in the fridge might boost my brain power... More importantly, some blurbs for the week!
  • Adult pants should have adjustable button tabs at the waist band for those days when you have, say, eaten a ridiculous number of breakfast tacos or a whole bowl full of cookie dough (on the one hand) or for the days you find your pants sliding off continually because you have no butt (on the other hand).
  • The twins had a singing and dancing rodeo performance this week. No, I won't subject you to five different videos of awkward preschool cuteness, but I will let you know that their preschool worked hard to brainwash the kids into believing that Texas is the be-all-end-all. Bruiser will now tell you without a hint of hesitation that Texas is the best state in the union. Propaganda, I tell you.
Firefighter dragons have no loyalty to their birth states.
Also, firefighter dragons may need to retire their old--
and incredibly outgrown--Halloween costumes.

  • I made the kids animal pancakes the other day. Bruiser asked for a dinosaur. He got a brachiosaurus that lost its tail mid flip, but close enough. Tiny got a dolphin, and Bee an orca whale. Littles bullied me into making Twinkle a rose. But I drew the line with he asked me for an ankylosaurus. There are just some things one does not do before coffee.
  • Twinkle's nap time on Thursday afforded me with some time to get the mopping done. Don't be too impressed: I'd been putting off the mopping for quite some time. I hadn't had time to vacuum before she went down and I didn't want to risk waking her, so I mopped without the prerequisite vacuum. Before you ask why I didn't just sweep instead, please remember my middle name is "Lazy". Also, I had vacuumed both days before and how dirty could the floors really have gotten during that time? Evidently, far dirtier than I had anticipated. I was knocking grit into my ankles with every sweep of the mop. Lesson learned. Mainly the lesson learned was that my children are like little tornados of dirt and grime.
Spring has meant picnic weather...and squinting.
The more meals we eat outside, the fewer crumbs I have to sweep.
Or not vacuum. Same same.

  • Twinkle decided to dump half a bag of rice this week. In my attempt to make lemonade out of life's lemons, we first did sensory play with the rice and then made stress balls out of rice and balloons. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of using that phrase out loud (when life gives you lemons...), and the kids spent the rest of the day asking when I was going to make lemonade for them. We did make a stress ball for the Man, which Littles suggested be taken to work in case his dad needed to destress by chucking it at people who drive him nuts.
  • The kids and I have been reading Cheaper by the Dozen this week. First, I totally did not realize there was that much swearing in that book. I'm doing some heavy, on-the-spot editing, but it has been worth it. While the twins are missing a good portion of the humour (and Bruiser can't understand why the dad is always yelling), the Bigs and I are howling.  Now I'm determined to teach all of the kids Morse code...and considering possibly having seven more children. As one does. I've heard they come cheaper by the dozen.

At any rate, tomorrow's long run is going to come early so high-five me for my blurbs (but don't stab me with a pencil!--the high-fiving homeschooling mom's deepest fear), and I'm off. Especially since, rumor has it, my husband is almost home for the night. Live from Texas (the greatest state in the nation, evidently), it's Friday night!

SorryNotSorry Saturday Sunrise


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