Get After It

post-run coffee and inspiration

This morning, after my run, I sat down with one of the Man's motivational coffee mugs that informed me that I needed to "Get After It". I tried to convince the coffee cup that Getting Up in the morning and Getting Out for a run was enough Getting for one day. But no, the coffee cup informed me, my loyal readers needed me to step up my game and try for what has now become my once monthly blog posting. Said coffee cup also informed me that I should probably answer a couple dozen text messages I've been avoiding, finish the laundry, and homeschool my children (like a boss). Luckily for me, the aforementioned coffee cup was almost large enough to hold an entire French Press worth of coffee so at least it provided back up for its inspiration.

This kid needs no help motivating her way to crazy

Tiny showing the rest of us how to get it done
(also like a boss).
Here's the problem with motivational coffee mugs, though. They don't take into account actual real life circumstances. Like when you spend all day telling your kids to do the same things they have to do every day...and still have to repeat yourself five trillion times. Or when actually answering text messages just causes people to respond to your answers so that you then have to answer more text messages. Or when you're so tired that you have to take a cat nap in the trunk of the car between unloading groceries. Not that I've ever done that...

Bruiser's wild and wonderful imaginings.
Can't imagine what he would create if I gave him coffee...
Or a motivational mug...

It's in those moments that we chuck the motivational coffee mugs and give ourselves a little grace. Just make sure you drink the coffee first. Because then, after you have extended yourself some grace, you have the energy to try again to rise to the occasion. And take on the world. Or just, you know, Get After It. Side note: I'm no longer completely sure what that phrase means but it seems like something I should tell myself on repeat (in between repeating "Nothing should be in your mouth but food or your toothbrush" and "If you're done with that, put it away").

Littles was inspired to create pizzadillas last week.
Best stroke of genius ever.

Not sure what motivated me more to change this kid's diaper:
her absolutely adorable smile,
the fact that she brought me a diaper and the wipes unasked,
or the terrifying reek emanating from her hind quarters.
Today, though, I thought you'd like to help me create our own list of motivational coffee mugs, ones that are more grounded in real life and less in sounding cool. I'll get us started. Here are a few ideas that could help someone you know get through their day with more success:

  • Just Say "No" To Socializing
  • Read More Books. Ignore More People.
  • Hide in the Bathroom
  • Naps Are For Winners
  • Coffee Gets Cold. To Do Lists Don't.

Feel free to add your own in the comments section. Remember: we want to inspire other people but not forget that they are actual human beings whose supply of chocolate and sanity may be running low. So go on now: get creative or just...get after it.
Another motivation mug message:
Kiss a Crabby Baby

Patient Grief


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