Autumn Wrap Up

Before we get any deeper into Advent, I need to do some November catch up on the blog. This is my favorite time of the year (even when I don't have time to update the blog). I love Thanksgiving: the scent of pumpkin candles, the nip in the air, that one vine full of bright red leaves (thanks for providing autumn color for me, Florida). I love getting to count the things that we're thankful for all month long. And I love the anticipation as we head towards Christmas.

Bee modeling her lack of teeth and our few autumn leaves

When homeschoolers decorate...

It's been a particularly lovely fall for us this year. The Man and I got a week away in New England without the kids, even getting to pop in on some friends we hadn't seen in years. While we were gone, the kids enjoyed time in Tennessee with my family. We had a great Halloween with friends in town and a great Thanksgiving with them as well (we'll see if we can invite ourselves over for Christmas as well and complete the holiday trifecta). The weeks of school have been busy but full of laughter and learning, and I haven't threatened to leave any children outside at night drenched in honey for the bears to eat for at least 18 hours (mothering win). Our little garden is doing well, and the kids and I even got to set up bee hotels with a fantastic neighbor.

East or West, home sunsets are spectacular.
Also, that's a one eyed alligator in the bayou.

The Man on the Constitution, Boston in front of him.

Maine is my favorite.
Well, and that dude behind me.

There have been so many little memorable moments to hang onto throughout these last weeks. Last week, for instance, the kids and I had a little pumpkin chucking ceremony as we competed to see who could get their moldy pumpkin farther into the bayou. The twins and Twinkle didn't quite make it past the water line (we were throwing off the side of a small cliff). The Bigs tied for first. But when I chucked the Man's pumpkin, it exploded into festive shards so the kids deemed me the winner. These are moments when we invite laughter into a world where things mold and shatter. That's worth remembering and celebrating.

When everyone has to have their own pumpkin,
it's practically a whole pumpkin patch.

Pirate jack-o-lantern,
hook on the hidden side

Twinkle, twinkle little...

Bruiser's bats and arachnids


Not sure about Bee's face here,
but nautical pumpkin!

There have been so many amazing moments with friends these last few months that have fed my soul--seeing old friends that we haven't been with in years but also building deeper relationships with the ones we see every day. Doing things together but also just being together. It has made me grateful for where we are right now, but also for what is coming next.

Kids of favorites together at a farm! 

My crazy face is cancelled out by Shirlee's awesome
and those fantastic fall leaves!

I could've picked a better picture of us, but look how happy we are!

And I know that there are too many pictures in this blog (but you can't tell me what to do!), but it has just been an autumn to be thankful for, and before we move forward into Advent, I wanted to acknowledge that. And take a few moments to put a place marker down so that in the years to come I can look back and remember God's goodness.

Picnic by the shore

Our Thankful tree was a weeping willow this round...

So this is my moment to say thank you.

I'm Dreaming of an RV Christmas


Remembering Hope