Sunday Sunrise

This morning when I left for my run, it was still dark out with just a hint of sunrise pulling itself up by the fingers along the eastern horizon. I run an out and back these days, so as I ran I looked forward to the moment when I would turn around and be able to see the sunrise for the return run. Still, the beauty when I turned surprised me into a verbal, "Oh, wow!" as a puff of frosted air bloomed up around my face (yes, it even gets cold in Florida). I had seen hints of the sunrise in my peripheral vision as I'd run, but nothing could've prepared me for how beautiful it actually was with its pink and gold streaks and gilded clouds.

Isn't this how God works in our lives? We are running along in our day to day darkness with only the occasional glimpse into what God is doing. Sometimes we even convince ourselves that the glimmers of light we have seen out of the corner of our eyes are little more than our imagination. Sometimes the weight of running through life alone in the dark seems to be more than we can bear. But some day, we are going to turn and get to see the artistic rendering of beauty that God has created while our backs were turned and all we could see was darkness.

If right now you find yourself looking out into the remnants of a dark night wondering if sunrise will ever come, this is your reminder.

Light is coming. Hold on. Keep running the course.

We can't anticipate the beauty of what we will see once it is revealed to us what God has been doing all along...even while our backs were turned.

"Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet...." 1 Corinthians 15:51-52a

Not today's sunrise because I was too busy running to take a picture.

On a Pufferfish


What Is True