Here We Go (Again)

A month ago, we moved into our new-to-us home and this week we started school. The Man says I started too early and I should’ve given us more time to settle in, and he may be right, but I have a deep seated love of making ill advised choices.

If you’re wondering how it’s going, we sat down to dinner last night, and the Man asked the kids how they’d already managed to wear me out, to which Bruiser responded that I was already tired before we started school.

It’s funny because it’s true.

I’m tired because we moved, but also because there’s no time like the present to start adding back all the mileage I didn’t get to run while we were spending ten hours a day in the car. That seemed totally logical to me. That or I was running out my feelings. I love both choices!

With all of that said, I do feel like I owe you guys some photos. I also feel like some of you want to know if I beat my 72 hour boxes-to-pictures-on-the-wall record. The short answer is: no. Because I’m still waiting to get a couple pieces of furniture replaced. Nothing throws a wrench in my plans for Packing Domination quite like movers deciding they’d rather wait thirty to sixty days to reimburse us for the stuff they broke. But other than that. things are pretty homey. Enough so that I thought I should probably stop reading on the couch all day and start school.

On that note, a few pictures for you, and then, IT’S FRIDAY NIGHT PIZZA NIGHT!

First up, our first day of school photo. I will not force you to look at every single picture I took, but I will guarantee you that this really was the best one. There was not a single shot of the two dozen I took in which every kid was smiling and looking at the camera. Obviously, that would’ve over taxed them. I also will not force you to see the single shots of the kids, just know that they are all several inches taller and a grade higher.

Below you can see our living room. I’m not in love with how I styled the mantle, but realistically that just means I get to change it around every two months or so. Side note, to those of you who are itching to get your fall decorations out: I can fix that for you. All you have to do is move every summer. Then, you’re so excited to see your stuff that you’re happy to decorate normally and let October wait for October.

Anyway, feel free to drop by and we can curl up on the couches together and watch the kids roll around on the carpet like puppies…at least until I replace the coffee table. I can’t even blame that one on the movers. Two words: teenage boys.

The next picture is the school room. Obviously. Please note that I have placed inspirational art at key places in order to encourage my kids in their moments of doom and gloom. Specifically, “THAT WAS AN OVER REACTION” and “NONE OF THIS NONSENSE, PLEASE”. I know my priorities. And I know my audience.

The only bedroom picture you’re going to get is from the boys’ room. Mostly this is because I forgot to take pictures in the brief five minute window when the kids hadn’t trashed their rooms and because I still don’t have a nightstand, so the master bedroom is decorated by lots of books that would otherwise have a home on my nightstand and all the detritus that would be hidden away in my nightstand drawer. If you’re curious about the guest room, it looks exactly the same way it looked the last time we were in Virginia (plus nice deep windowsills), so scroll back three years and you’ll be able to scratch that itch.

The reason the guest room looks the way it did three years ago (and not the way it did for the last two years) is because I have reclaimed it from the grasping clutches of the Eldest Child. He has been forced back into a bedroom with his younger brothers, much to everyone’s dismay. The Man keeps waiting for me to capitulate, positive that the constant infighting among the inmates will push me over the edge. He forgets that I am strong on stubbornness, not on sanity. They’ll get along if I have to die trying.

And that is all the housekeeping that you need. If you really want to see what our new life here looks like, I’ve done a much better job of posting the beautiful outdoor shots I’ve gotten on my Instagram stories. For reference: I took the kids to the pool this afternoon to celebrate surviving our first week of school, and they were rewarded by seeing a couple dolphins swim by on their way back towards the Chesapeake. Yep, you read that right.

And that’s where we live now. Feel free to come visit. I’ll be the one cutting pizza on a Friday night.


Crabby (with Covid)


A Gift of Grace