The Truth of More

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.

Romans 1:17

Those words caught me this morning: from faith, for faith, by faith. We see how our faith builds, cyclically, multidimensionally: our faith enables more faith which enables more faith.


This made me think of exercise. The more we exercise, the stronger we grow, therefore the more our muscles can do. The more I run, the more I can run.

Or music. The more I play the piano, the better I sound, and therefore the more I want to play.

Or writing. The more I write, the more ideas I get. The more I engage with those ideas, the more they grow. Before I know it, I’ve written a book and then a sequel is being drafted (and another book outlined). It’s not that I’m that creative. It’s that I was faithful with the first small idea.

So the follow up question I must ask myself is this: what small area of faith can I step forward in so that God can increase it?


I think often we are afraid to use up what small stores of faith (or creativity or energy or whatever it is) that we have, nervous that we will be depleted and empty on the other side. But I would challenge us to take that risk and find out if that is true.

More often we discover that often, the opposite is the case. The more we give, the more we will get. The more we use, the more we discover.

The more faith we expend, the stronger our faith grows.


Open Eyed Asking


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