Theology for Your Progeny
The kids and I are studying the theory of evolution this week in science. We spent some time discussing what a theory is, why some people believe in evolution and some people don't, where science leaves off and speculation begins. You know, easy concepts that most six to eight year olds can grasp without any trouble.
Fiction Fast
It's no surprise to all of you that I love to read. When I am honest, I admit that novels are my favorite. Additionally, I have a weakness for children's lit, young adult fiction, and fantasy. I am the queen of getting through an entire series in less than a week, yes, even with five kids.
Books for the Sick Bed
Since we are (fingers crossed) back in the land of the healthy, I am going to have pity on your poor, miserable, sick souls and give you some reading suggestions so that you can be entertained while you lie on your couch/bed/bathroom floor feeling like death. But please don't breathe too hard on whatever screen you're using to read this because I don't want you to transmit the flu back to us via the Internet. It's possible, I'm sure.
Bookish Blog with Baby Sightings
Last week was drenched in happy rain which meant cancelled football practice, puddle jumping, hot cocoa parties, pillow piles, and, you guessed it, lots of books. I thought I'd share a few of the ones that have been circulating in our home, just in case you were looking for reading material of your own.
Competitive Reading
I made the mistake of signing our family up for a summer reading program at the library. It's a mistake because evidently the Man and I suffer from hyper-competitiveness. We're one week in and neck and neck at 500 minutes of reading.
Books For My Mother (And Maybe For Yours If Yours Is Also Amazing)
Two months ago, my mother asked me for a list of books that would be fun, thought provoking, and new to her. She's an avid reader with excellent taste, so I couldn't just phone this in. Also, I've gotten really great at procrastinating and passing the buck this summer's September now. In an attempt to not sound like a horrible daughter, I have texted her some excellent suggestions every time she sends me panicked messages from the library.
Book Empathy
This week, I plowed through all eleven of Louise Penny's Chief Inspector Gamache books and did my best to not drive the librarians insane by insisting that they help me track them all down. In order. Immediately. I may or may not have acted a little like an escaped psych patient.
Book Nostalgia
I've spent the week back at Plumfield with Jo March Bhaer and her little men.
Community (and the Improvement of my Mind by Extensive Reading)
This week I blew through the Mother-Daughter Book Club series by Heather Vogel Frederick. You may not have a thing for YA lit, but seriously, they were so cute. And I actually learned new things as well! Which was beyond fun for me. The Man mocked me endlessly for reading books about people reading books…
For the Mamas of Wee Little Babes
Sunday night I received a text from a friend asking for devotional suggestions for "mamas of wee little babes". Now, normally I would've objected strongly to her use of the word "babes", but in this case, I felt that "wee" justified it.
American Fairy Tales...Ish
I read these two beautiful books last week and then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to track down an article I read months ago about the difference between European fairy tales (from the Brothers Grimm all the way to Harry Potter) and the fantasy literature that comes out of America.
Sheer Entertainment
I try to keep my novel consumption at a dull roar, mostly because once I start a good book that actually has a story line (nonfiction, I'm looking at you), it's really hard for me to put it down. In my previous life, back before kids, this was not such an issue.
This Week's Book Bag
Books, books, books, and a cup of tea and toasted blueberry muffins--because any night I have to battle Bruiser at bedtime for only an hour is classified as a win. And worthy of celebration with caffeine, carbs, and copious amounts of, you got it, BOOKS.