For the Mamas of Wee Little Babes
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

For the Mamas of Wee Little Babes

Sunday night I received a text from a friend asking for devotional suggestions for "mamas of wee little babes". Now, normally I would've objected strongly to her use of the word "babes", but in this case, I felt that "wee" justified it.

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Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell


Somedays "adulting" comes more naturally than others. I try really hard to be a good adult, but I'll be honest: there are books, and they always kill my attempts.

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American Fairy Tales...Ish
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

American Fairy Tales...Ish

I read these two beautiful books last week and then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to track down an article I read months ago about the difference between European fairy tales (from the Brothers Grimm all the way to Harry Potter) and the fantasy literature that comes out of America.

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Sheer Entertainment
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Sheer Entertainment

I try to keep my novel consumption at a dull roar, mostly because once I start a good book that actually has a story line (nonfiction, I'm looking at you), it's really hard for me to put it down. In my previous life, back before kids, this was not such an issue.

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Cross Training
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Cross Training

The Man sometimes worries that he's failing me as a running coach because he hasn't helped me implement any cross training. He envisions time for me on a bike (stationary, of course) or in the pool or on an elliptical (which is no fun because you don't see anything and you can't read simultaneously). I told him that I do cross train, and he laughs

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