An Open Letter to the One Ready to Throw in the Towel

Dear Person Who Wants to Quit,


Unless it’s time and you straight up know it. If so, then quit with aplomb. Do it with purpose, and do it with style. But don’t you dare just fade out into nothingness. Do NOT go gentle into this good night…or any type of night. Make a decision, and follow through with pizzazz.

But for the rest of us? Don’t. Don’t quit. Don’t do it.

Goal in sight. Take the next small step forward. Remember who you are and whose you are, give grace when you need it, but do the next right thing.

So you’re afraid of failing (or afraid of succeeding). So it’s hard work. So you’re tired. It doesn’t change what really matters.

At some point you thought that goal was worth working towards—whatever goal it was. Chances are, it still is.

So: eyes up.

Yours in not quitting,

That inspirational cat hanging from a tree limb

(Just kidding. It’s actually Marian.)

PS Ten minutes after I drafted this post, my eldest walked into the kitchen with his eyes glued to his phone and a huge grin on his face. “What are you doing?” I asked with my most annoying, sing-song mom voice, expecting him to say he was texting a buddy or reading a comic. Nothing could’ve prepared me for his answer. “Rereading your book.” Fine. I get the message.


An Open Letter to my Old Friend


An Open Letter to the One Whose Day Didn’t Go As Planned