Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Stress Response

We will pause here a moment in our usually scheduled program to talk about some of the ways that we respond to stress. Why? Because—at long last—I’ve succumbed to the realization that the stress factor is in place at this point, whether I want it or not (and whether I feel like it or not)…but also because some of our stress responses are just plain funny…and probably revealing of who we are in deep and unfortunate ways.

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell


When I was in labor with our eldest son—my husband halfway around the world and my sister busy inflating latex gloves into udder balloons—the nurses kept talking about how calm I was. But the truth was that I wasn’t calm. I just looked like I was.

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

The Way the Light Bends

The darkness is always near, but God reaches out to show us himself in these seasons, not in a blinding flood of revelation (not yet!), but in streaks of goodness that seem to bend to touch our hearts, if we can look into the darkness so that we don’t miss them.

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Full, not Busy

But when I slow down long enough to think about it, I realize—all the things I’m doing during a day are good things, things I enjoy, things I have welcomed into my day for a reason. So is this really busyness—frenetic activity for activity’s sake—or is it fullness, a rich life of purpose and joy?

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Kicking Off the School Year
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Kicking Off the School Year

Ah, August, that wonderful time of year when we force ourselves to stop being lazy bums and instead embrace, once again, the idea that our brains can actually function. In other words, the kids and I have started school.

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell


Every time we move, there are new ropes to learn, but it's almost always the same timeline (at least for me). I find that in general, for about two weeks prior to the move and then two weeks following the move, I'm possessed with an almost manic energy. Sleep is hard to come by because my mind won't turn off; food is optional; coffee is sometimes even forgotten as I plow through my To Do list (and sometimes try to take on everyone else's) like a juggernaut.

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell


Some of you may be wondering how our transition into a house from the RV might be going. We've been asked few times if we're losing each other now that we're not stacked like sardines into a 35 foot trailer or if we're so used to all that togetherness that we're following each other from room to room as we go throughout the day. The answer is: yes.

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Moving Blurbs
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Moving Blurbs

It was our last official day in the RV when I started this blog post (so if you were waiting until the last moment to buy this thing, you're now going to have to purchase from a different state), and I was sitting with a cat in my lap watching the dawn light stretch the tree shadows long and slim while using my cell phone hotspot to access blogger because our internet decided our last week in the RV was the most appropriate time to crap out on us. Really, it wasn't wrong.

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We Like to Move It
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

We Like to Move It

It's that time of year: the time when my favorite neighbors have already packed up and moved out and I proceed to start freaking out about our own move. The time when the Man goes into planning hyperdrive, and I start purging everything in sight.

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