Day Eight: Picking My View
It's been one of those days.
Correction. It is one of those days.

Day Seven: Finding Friendships
Here's the deal with making friends: you kind of have to get involved in things to meet people (which is, incidentally, necessary in order to make friends).

Day Six: Nostalgia
Our not-so-little yellow house on the hill facing the sea is surrounded by its own ocean of mist right now, and I'm sitting with my boots propped up on the coffee table thinking about nostalgia and white space and moving boxes and trying to decide what of the many things floating around my head I really want to write about tonight.

Day One: In the Between
I grew up in the city where people came for language school. Friends cycled in, their parents learned the language, and then they cycled back out. My sisters left for boarding school, and then college. I left for boarding school, and then college. I married the Man, and the military trotted us from one end of the country to the other.

Open the Window
The last few weeks the Man and I have been spending a lot of time thinking ahead to what's next: looking at different housing layouts in our next city, googling restaurants and places to go, going over his school schedule, you know what I'm talking about. It's exciting to dream about what is coming, to anticipate this next phase in our lives.