As It Should
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

As It Should

On Halloween this year, I saw an unforgettable photograph of a young girl trick-or-treating on streets clogged with Michael's wreckage. She walked towards the sunset, her bag over her shoulder, with broken shingles and chunks of brick on either side of the street and a row of blue tarped houses in front of her.

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Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell


I had coffee with a friend this week who told me about moving into her new rental after her old rental had a tree dropped through the middle of it, effectively destroying 80% of their household goods.

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Seasonal Achievements
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Seasonal Achievements

I wake up every morning and I think about all the stuff I can get done during the day if I just work smarter, time manage more effectively, and don't waste any time. Then by the end of the day, I can see just how little I've accomplished and just how exhausted I am, and I realize why I don't finish more of the items on my list.

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Patient Grief
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Patient Grief

In May, the Man accidentally scraped a chair over my toenail, leaving a blackish purple bruise that slowly crept closer and closer to the tip of my toe for weeks. Just a week earlier, Oswald had bitten a hole straight through the thumb nail of my right hand while trying to avoid getting his vaccinations updated.

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Get After It
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Get After It

This morning, after my run, I sat down with one of the Man's motivational coffee mugs that informed me that I needed to "Get After It". I tried to convince the coffee cup that Getting Up in the morning and Getting Out for a run was enough Getting for one day.

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Fish or Snake?
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Fish or Snake?

I was recently thinking back on my husband's decade in the military (our family's decade as a military family). Ten years, two deployments, five kids, five moves, more short term separations than I can count... Looking back, I see things so differently now than I did then

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Showing Up
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Showing Up

I had big plans to post a blog Thursday night, but then the boys' bookshelves got in and I spent the evening obsessively assembling them and unboxing books. Part of this was that I was sick of the boys' books taking over the floor of our guest room (which has been the dump room for the last month) but most of it was that in my mind I was playing out the part in The Little Princess when Ram Dass transforms Sara Crewe's room while she sleeps.

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Painting over Paintings
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Painting over Paintings

The Man is at the house hanging out with the packers as they box everything up, and I'm at temporary lodging listen to the kids play a very loud game of pretend that involves a set of rolling ottomans and probably imminent death. This is moving.

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Saturday Prayers
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Saturday Prayers

In children's church this week, we talked about some of the miracles Jesus performed in the book of Matthew, and then the kids worked to memorize Matt 9:36, which says that when Jesus looked at the crowd "He had compassion on them." My initial reaction was to remember the many times my heart hadn't been filled with compassion towards the suffering, the many times my heart hadn't even been filled with compassion for my own children.

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Dinosaur Bones and Gratitude
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Dinosaur Bones and Gratitude

I took the kids to a museum this week to see dinosaur bones. I've been promising to take them to this museum since last summer, was about time. We did have great fun. Especially Twinkle who discovered that if she yelled loud enough, I'd take her out of the ergo and let her run around like a big kid.

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Broken Record Truth
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Broken Record Truth

A few weeks ago, I plowed through Psalm 119. It took a few days, and by the end, my snarky self was convinced that the psalmist had an alternate identity as a broken record. Seriously: 176 verses of the same thing over and over again. Evidently the psalmist didn't consider conciseness to be a virtue worth having.

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The Myth of the Supermom
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

The Myth of the Supermom

Once upon a time, I was asked to write a blog about being a Supermom. Naturally, since the Man is on a week long out of town trip and I'm kicking it with all five kids, now is the opportune time to rise to the occasion and instruct all of you in the Ways of Awesomeness.

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