Keep On Keeping On
For those of you following along with me as I stay engaged our last five months here, I felt like that post deserved a follow up so that you could see that I'm doing my best to follow through.
Braving the Drainage Grates
The book I just read is all about vulnerability and bravery and risk. Naturally, it was not applicable to me at all since I never struggle with fear or trust or feeling ashamed of who I am in the least.
The Bigger the Book Bag...
We walk into the library, twins in the stroller, a boy on either side, and tell the librarian that we have books on reserve. They don't even ask for our name any more. They know it's us. We're the ones leaving with half the contents of the bookshelves.
The Ants of August
July is seeping out under the door and with it summer. I told the Little Man we'd take two months off from school, June and July, and because I am both lazy and a woman of my word, we have done so. With aplomb. Other high achieving homeschool moms have already gotten things rolling, but not me.
The concept of quickly passing time has been resonating with me even more as last week we got news of our next duty station. Though orders are not yet in hand and we've known from day one when we'd be moving out, something has shifted and the clock has started ticking, whether I like it or not.
Morning Reminders
The early morning quiet and the time to pray and the chance to allow my introverted self to start my day with a bit less of a bang is amazing.
Summer Reading (Happened So Fast)
In case you've been wondering what's keeping my brain occupied lately, I thought I'd share a few of the books I've been plowing through lately with an accompanying blurb or two…
Happiness Follow Up
When I was staying with one of my favorite aunts before the Man and I got married (she's now the kids' god-Aunt), she and I would make happiness lists on the kitchen chalkboard. Sometimes I like to continue the tradition on my own. It's a good way to get a snapshot of where I am and what I'm finding joy in.
Coffee, Farmers Markets, and Slow Art
Over the past few weeks, I've begun frequenting a farmer's market in the area. I tote all the kids with me, and we go and buy the essentials: fruit and flowers, with the occasional loaf of bread or vegetable thrown in for good measure.
Working for Happiness
I grated zucchini. I measured flour and sugar. I whisked and stirred and licked the spatula. The house was quiet and peaceful, and it was one of those moments where I found my soul being fed.
Collective Learning: in Retrospect
This morning while making breakfast, starting laundry, cleaning up breakfast, kissing boo-boos, chasing rogue baseballs, and breaking up fights, I drafted and edited a blog about our homeschooling year. Then it promptly disappeared, never to be seen again.
Sometimes this is what homeschooling feels like.
Streamlining, Assembly Lines, and Reality
I had such a great time seeing pictures of everyone's cute kids in their Easter finery. I enjoyed them extra much because I so did not pull off Easter pictures this year. But, let me paint you a word picture.
The Best Board Books in the History of Ever
The Best Board Books in the History of Ever
...except for the silly ones that I like that you don't...
...and except for the great ones that I totally forgot because I'm blonde and have a ton of kids sucking my brain juice away...
The Seven Best Ways to Read Your Baby's Brains Out
Today, let's talk about reading to one year olds. Or babies. Or two year olds with short attention spans. You know, anywhere in that age group. But before we begin, let me tell you why you should trust my advice in this area.