Books For My Mother (And Maybe For Yours If Yours Is Also Amazing)
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Books For My Mother (And Maybe For Yours If Yours Is Also Amazing)

Two months ago, my mother asked me for a list of books that would be fun, thought provoking, and new to her. She's an avid reader with excellent taste, so I couldn't just phone this in. Also, I've gotten really great at procrastinating and passing the buck this summer's September now. In an attempt to not sound like a horrible daughter, I have texted her some excellent suggestions every time she sends me panicked messages from the library.

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Book Empathy
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Book Empathy

This week, I plowed through all eleven of Louise Penny's Chief Inspector Gamache books and did my best to not drive the librarians insane by insisting that they help me track them all down. In order. Immediately. I may or may not have acted a little like an escaped psych patient.

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Taking Credit
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Taking Credit

Tonight at dinner, both the twins told me "thank you for the meal" without being prompted, there was actual conversation that consisted of more than "Please chew with your mouth closed", and everyone took second helpings of salad.

Today after a spontaneous and fun picnic lunch, both twins threw massive tantrums, there was a water spitting war, and I lost my temper with the entire family (myself included).

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The Whole Picture
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

The Whole Picture

Let me begin by saying: this is not a book post. So if you are one of the habitual few who like to skip those (I will name no names--but I know who you are...), keep reading. It only starts with a book. I promise.

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Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell


That's right: Bring Your Own Book--because you never know when the occasion will call for it.

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Peace Behind Me
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Peace Behind Me

This was the chair I sat in at my parents' for meals. With a twin on either side, meals can sometimes be exciting, even with a hearty level of back up from the Man who was also overseeing the big boys.

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Community (and the Improvement of my Mind by Extensive Reading)
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Community (and the Improvement of my Mind by Extensive Reading)

This week I blew through the Mother-Daughter Book Club series by Heather Vogel Frederick. You may not have a thing for YA lit, but seriously, they were so cute. And I actually learned new things as well! Which was beyond fun for me. The Man mocked me endlessly for reading books about people reading books…

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One Moment
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

One Moment

There was a moment this week my sister wanted to slow down and grab hold of a memory with both hands so that she wouldn't forget how perfect it was…

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Bucket Lists and Babies
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Bucket Lists and Babies

I hit a major goal on my bucket list this week. It was kind of a big deal for me, but also sometimes we need to remind others that there is life after kids.

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