Pick a Portal
When you wish you could teleport (or had the option of Floo Powder or portal hopping). A meditation on world jumping and longing.

A Book Is an Open Door
When you recognize that the best gift is holding the door for someone else’s adventure (and the easiest way to send someone out the door is by buying them a book).

Cumulative Grief
When grief presses upon grief which presses upon grief…and you wish you could forget.
Pick With Your Eyes
When we realize that it’s a lot easier to eat a brownie if we’re looking at its gooey deliciousness (and a lot easier to make a lot of other possibly more beneficial choices when we keep them in our line of sight too).
The Little Red Hen Meets a Blessing
When we realize that we don’t bless others without an entire ripple effect of others’ blessings feeding into that blessing first.
All the Fall, All the Small
When caring about the celebration of small seasonal changes reminds you of God’s goodness and your own smallness.
Serendipity v. Sovereignty
When we want serendipity, but what we get is God’s sovereignty.
The Best Laid Plans
When a love for planning collides head on with life in the military and five (mostly) unexpected kids, I need to learn how to be intentional with grace.
One Choice at a Time
When we keep looking for a hero to come save us and we realize that we might need it to be the one we’re seeing in a mirror.
Give a Little, Get a Lot
When we feel like we have nothing to offer (even ourselves) and we’re not sure how to steward the tiny bit of energy we do have, here’s a way forward.
When we feel like we can’t keep up and we need to set our priorities and remember them.
A Corner of Quiet
When I choose to say “thank you” and allow that thank you to hollow out a tiny corner of peace and quiet even in the midst of the chaos.
Where Have You Been All My Life?!
When the experience of reading a book I should’ve read long ago teaches me new things about the possibility of friendship…
Vulnerable Growth
When a single, soggy pinto bean teaches me important lessons about vulnerability and growth.