Books For You and Books For Me (But Mostly Just Me)
I thought it was time for a good old fashioned dip into my bookshelf. Or rather, my library bag, since most of what I've been reading lately has been courtesy of our library. May I just say: having a library two blocks from the house is really nice.
I Haiku While Running
This week, Littles learned about the haiku. We have daily poetry reading (because--did you know?--I am Mom), but finding a book about a cat named Won Ton that so happened to be written completely in haikus was just a lucky happenstance.
Villains, Presidents, and Big, Bad Wolfs (Oh, My!)
It's been a while since we've had a good children's book post around here--and that is just a shame! (Yes, both italics and an exclamation point were entirely necessary.) Let's remedy that immediately.
What's (Been) On My Bookshelf (Lately)
I thought I'd give all you lovely readers out there an update on my book life--just in case you're looking for some new reading material. However, it's 8pm and I haven't stopped moving since 5.30 this morning, so we will make this fast and furious.
Braving the Drainage Grates
The book I just read is all about vulnerability and bravery and risk. Naturally, it was not applicable to me at all since I never struggle with fear or trust or feeling ashamed of who I am in the least.
The Bigger the Book Bag...
We walk into the library, twins in the stroller, a boy on either side, and tell the librarian that we have books on reserve. They don't even ask for our name any more. They know it's us. We're the ones leaving with half the contents of the bookshelves.
Summer Reading (Happened So Fast)
In case you've been wondering what's keeping my brain occupied lately, I thought I'd share a few of the books I've been plowing through lately with an accompanying blurb or two…
The Best Board Books in the History of Ever
The Best Board Books in the History of Ever
...except for the silly ones that I like that you don't...
...and except for the great ones that I totally forgot because I'm blonde and have a ton of kids sucking my brain juice away...
The Seven Best Ways to Read Your Baby's Brains Out
Today, let's talk about reading to one year olds. Or babies. Or two year olds with short attention spans. You know, anywhere in that age group. But before we begin, let me tell you why you should trust my advice in this area.
Seven Easy Steps to Your Child's Book Addiction
I thought I would take the time to instruct all of you out of my now vast wealth of knowledge and wisdom so that you too can instill a love of reading in your child. So here you go.
Stroller-Walking: the Littles Version
The Little Man has discovered chapter books.
Well, let me clarify. He has not so much discovered chapter books (this year I've force fed him Mr Popper's Penguins and Farmer Boy, oh, and Mary Poppins and now The Little Prince) as he has discovered that he loves chapter books. And when I say "loves", I really mean that he is showing signs of a genetic disposition towards a reading addiction.
The Book-Fountain of Youth
A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.
-C. S. Lewis
The Why Behind Reading
I've been thinking a lot lately about the idea that why we read may matter just as much as what we read.
There are so many reasons to pick up a book.
Day Twenty-Seven: Choose Your Own Adventure
There are days when you get to choose your own adventure. Days when exploring a new place or trying a new food is a viable option. Days when who knows what exciting thing could be just around the corner!