The Thanksgiving Tree
Since Halloween is over (unfortunately leaving a terribly tempting amount of chocolate in the house), I decided to move our tiny pumpkins indoors and start our Thanksgiving preparations.
Rambling. Because I Can.
I'm writing tonight mostly because it felt weird not to. After a full month of daily writing, taking the weekend off was nice but not quite as exciting as I thought it was going to be. Besides which, I thought we'd knock out a few house keeping items after a month of talking about transition.
Day Twenty-Four: The Straw and the Camel's Back
There will come a day, in the midst of your unsettling and resettling and general change, when there will be a straw that will break the proverbial camel's back.
Day Nineteen: Some Sunday Silliness
On the first day of unpacking, the movers gave to me…
...a decimated front door wreath!
Day Nine: Let the Little Children
In our family we really stress that home is where we are together. It's not our house, and it's not our stuff, and it's not our community. It's our family.
Day Five: Questions by Blondes (and Other People)
Every transition--whether it's a new town or a new move or a new friendship--comes with questions. And as my husband likes to say, "There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people." So, let me show my blonde side and share a few questions I've had concerning this latest transition of ours.
Day Four: Blurbs for Between
I'm keeping it short today--it's Saturday, let's all be lazy together--and just plan on giving you a few moving blurbs to keep you entertained.
Day Three: Like a Good Neighbor
Well, there are good ways to meet the neighbors and then there are…somewhat more exciting ways to meet the neighbors.
A Quick Frenzy
I'm sitting on the couch having just finished watching the sun set into the Pacific Ocean. From this you can deduce a few things. 1. We are moved in! 2. We unpacked the couch! 3. We have a freaking awesome view!
A Bunch of Beach Blurbs
I think there must be something about PCSing that dictates that the moment all the kids' clothes are organized, sorted, and packed, everyone will immediately hit growth spurts.
Travelling Circus: a PCS in Progress
Well, we're one leg of the trip down, and wow. Some experiences leave you speechless, but not this one. No, not this one. But let's bullet point it, because while this time zone says it's an hour plus until bed time, my other time zone does not.
An Open Letter to the A---- AFB Golf Course Rabbits (Part Two)
Dear Rabbits of the Golf Course…