Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

The Way the Light Bends

The darkness is always near, but God reaches out to show us himself in these seasons, not in a blinding flood of revelation (not yet!), but in streaks of goodness that seem to bend to touch our hearts, if we can look into the darkness so that we don’t miss them.

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Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Open Eyed Asking

How do I ask wholeheartedly, and continue asking in faith, and yet, with untainted trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty, leave it fully in God’s hands?

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Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Full, not Busy

But when I slow down long enough to think about it, I realize—all the things I’m doing during a day are good things, things I enjoy, things I have welcomed into my day for a reason. So is this really busyness—frenetic activity for activity’s sake—or is it fullness, a rich life of purpose and joy?

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Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Beauty to Share

A quartet of books to share with your kids and a couple more for you to breeze through if you need to reassess where your time is going and why.

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Albatross or Ebenezer
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Albatross or Ebenezer

Some kids like to sleep with stuffed animals, but for months, my daughter chose to sleep with a large chunk of concrete. Because that makes perfect logical sense. It's soft and fuzzy and feels good if you roll over on it in the night.

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 Knitting My Heart to Another's
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Knitting My Heart to Another's

My lovely friend J. Elle's new book Wings of Ebony comes out this week (tomorrow!). In honor of her and upcoming Black History month (and MLK Day, which I missed already), I wanted to spend some time reading books that would give me a window into African American life.

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End of Year Reflection
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

End of Year Reflection

December is my favorite month of the year. Most people assume that's because it contains my birthday (true) and that I'm self-absorbed and greedy (also true), but it's also because, at the end of the year and beginning of a new one, we find time for introspection and assessment--at least we should, if we're not too busy celebrating.

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Book Your Thanksgiving Now!
Books Marian Frizzell Books Marian Frizzell

Book Your Thanksgiving Now!

Looking to do a last minute pre-Thanksgiving library run so you're stocked up for your Thanksgiving break (and prepared in case everything shuts back down after Thanksgiving due to Covid)? This is your last minute list!

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Friendship Curry
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Friendship Curry

When we left Florida, I made a list of things I was going to miss...and things I was not going to miss. Because sometimes, it really helps to write things out so that later when you are romanticizing the last base, you have tangible evidence that, yes, you really did live in an RV …

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