For Love of a Sentence
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

For Love of a Sentence

A well-known writer got collared by a university student who asked, "Do you think I could be a writer?"

"Well," the writer said, "I don't know…. Do you like sentences?"

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Only the Fun Stuff
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Only the Fun Stuff

It's about time for you to catch up on some of the happy that's been happening around here, you know, just a few of the things I would share with you if you were sitting on my couch, sharing a cup of coffee, and getting covered in dog hair and the residue of chaos that coats our home. So, here you go!

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Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell


I'm realizing that Christmas is run by anti-perfectionism in our home. Well, a lot of things in our home are run by anti-perfectionism; I just realized it when we were decorating for Christmas.

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Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell


The Man and I are just a month or so shy of six years of marriage, so I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes a marriage work and why.

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Out of the Overflow
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Out of the Overflow

So I've been thinking a lot about what I'm doing here…on the blog, I mean. I write about books and life and heart-issues and my crazy kids and military life and whatever else happens. And Jesus... I'm pretty sure I write about Him too.

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The Thanksgiving Tree
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

The Thanksgiving Tree

Since Halloween is over (unfortunately leaving a terribly tempting amount of chocolate in the house), I decided to move our tiny pumpkins indoors and start our Thanksgiving preparations.

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Rambling. Because I Can.
Everyday Life Marian Frizzell Everyday Life Marian Frizzell

Rambling. Because I Can.

I'm writing tonight mostly because it felt weird not to. After a full month of daily writing, taking the weekend off was nice but not quite as exciting as I thought it was going to be. Besides which, I thought we'd knock out a few house keeping items after a month of talking about transition.

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Day Thirty-One: Reality
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Day Thirty-One: Reality

It's the last day of October, the last day of daily writing, the last day of thinking purposefully about this weird in between space I'm in right now. Somehow I really think I had tricked myself into believing there would be this massive transformation and the end of October would include a glittery denouement of awesome.

There's not.

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Day Thirty: The House Plant
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Day Thirty: The House Plant

This year for Mother's Day, the Little Man gave me a potted plant. I mentioned during the house tour that I was going to come back to it later. Considering that this is the second to last day of October, it can't really get much later than this.

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Day Twenty-Nine: Joy Stabilizes
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Day Twenty-Nine: Joy Stabilizes

I had a friend over this afternoon who came accompanied by her three beautiful children. And it was crazy and loud and chaotic and there were half a dozen paper airplanes flying down the stairwell at one time and peanut butter cookie crumbs all over the table--and I loved it.

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Day Twenty-Six: Defense Mechanisms
Thoughts Marian Frizzell Thoughts Marian Frizzell

Day Twenty-Six: Defense Mechanisms

One of the things I butt up against every time we move is my own use of defense mechanisms. When I'm facing something challenging and potentially painful, I automatically do what I can to protect myself. Unfortunately, as is often the case, while a defense mechanism may protect me from pain, it also keeps me from experiencing true joy.

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