Wednesdays Are for Writing
When Wednesdays (and other days) require a little push for showing up.
The Anti-Thankful Tree
When you’re living on the edge and filling out an Anti-Thankful tree…
An Open Letter to Overachievers
When you need a different way to look at doing all the things.
An Open Letter to Receptionists
When you’re stuck in a waiting room and realize there is worse company to be had.
An Open Letter to the One at the End of a Long Day
When you need a little bit of encouragement in the home stretch.
An Open Letter to the Perfectionists Among Us (Recovering or Otherwise)
When you need a little encouragement even in your rampant perfectionism
An Open Letter to my Old Friend
When you have old friends worth treasuring, sometimes you need to let them know.
An Open Letter to the One Ready to Throw in the Towel
When you need a reminder to not give up (but you don’t want Josh Groban’s song stuck in your head all day long)
An Open Letter to the One Whose Day Didn’t Go As Planned
When you need to remember to let yourself be a soft landing place for your own spirit.
An Open Letter to Past Students
When you have a few more words to say to some of your favorite students ever. And most of your students were your favorites.
An Open Letter To Hungry Bears
When even bears deserve a little encouragement…even if it’s just encouragement to do the right thing.
An Open Letter to My Fellow Runner
An open letter for when you want to cheer on your fellow runner or possibly invite them to run with you.